#10: "Red Eyes", The War on Drugs
I was just listening to a playlist version of this countdown today and I was blown away that this song was stuck at #10. I thought "this top 9 had better be damn good" (it turns out that it was - phew!). I was bummed to have missed out on TWoD when they came through town this past September, but then again, nothing else on the album quite connected with me like this song did. I have a feeling that I'll be listening to this song for years to come.
#9: "Shooting Stars", Bag Raiders
Yep, a five-year old chart-topper from Australia surfaces at #9. I actually don't remember where I first heard this song, although I'd put money on it being a music blog I found while looking for other stuff. It doesn't even look like these guys have been active in the past couple of years. Regardless, I loved this song the first time I heard it and we haven't broken up yet!
#8: "Don't Wait", Mapei
Swedish! This song just barely missed my best of 2013 list but came on strong through the winter months and hung around on my playlists for most of the year. The video's been seen on YouTube over 3M times and the track has been streamed on Soundcloud over 1M times, so somebody's paying attention. I feel like this was a big miss for North America this past year - the track only eked into the top 30 of Billboard's Club Music chart - although, as per her Wiki page, Mapei performed the song on Letterman in November so maybe this chapter has yet to be finished.
#7: "Paris", Little Dragon
Swedish! When I first heard that some tracks from the 2014 Little Dragon album were floating around the internet, I tracked them down ASAP. I was disappointed in "Let Go" and "Klapp Klapp", but "Paris"…oh man, this was possibly my favourite recording of theirs to date! The oddest place I heard "Paris" this year was in a local sports bar on satellite radio, wedged in between a couple of classic rock tracks. I'll have to give Nabuma Rubberband a more thorough listen to make sure I haven't missed anything good.
#6: "Year Round Summer of Love", Lolo
This song seems to be something I've kept all to myself. Released as a single in September of 2013, it still doesn't have much in the way of Soundcloud or YouTube streams. Regardless, I fell in love, despite the fact that it was probably something I probably wouldn't have cared for a few years ago. It's always interesting to me to think about what musical likes and dislikes of mine evolve over time and which ones seem to stick around. Note: Lolo is American, not Swedish.
#5: "Ribs", Lorde
What this song lacks in lyrical complexity, it makes up for with an interesting structure and a percussion pattern that I still can't quite wrap my head around. I think this is the one song in the top 10, in retrospect, that I'm a little surprised that I ranked as high as I did, but iTunes Play Count don't lie. And this isn't even the last we hear of Lorde...
#4: "Black Skinhead", Kanye West
This one's embarrassing. Not how much I love the song, but the chronology. Yeezus was one of the most critically acclaimed albums of 2013 so you'd think that I'd have at least taken the time to listen to it once through. Shame! I think I heard "New Slaves" and "Bound 2" and gave up on the album, saving it for when I had time to give it proper attention. I think it was after everyone put this song at the top of their best-of lists that I finally gave it a listen (SHAME! I even missed the SNL performance:( ). Needless to say, it blew my mind. I feel like this is on the short list now for songs to pump me up if I need an energy boost. Whether that's appropriate or not.
#3: "Team", Lorde
Going back to what I was mentioning earlier about listening to a rundown of these songs in order: I really love "Team", but there is NO WAY it is meant to be played after "Black Skinhead". This is the last of five songs to have been featured on my 2013 and 2014 year-end lists and it almost went all the way to the top this year. Definitely my favourite track off the album and yet it never quite duplicated what "Royals" did before it. It will be interesting to see whether all of this chumming around with T Swizzle at awards shows will distract her from making a killer second album.
#2: "Come Alive", Chromeo feat. Toro y Moi
Pure pop perfection. NAILED IT! Two of my favourite artists over the past 2-3 years collaborate to make something impossible to feel happy listening to. Unless you like metal, in which case this will anger you greatly. Chromeo enjoyed a very successful year with newfound fame and exposure all over the U.S. and the U.K. (White Women fared well in both countries). I suppose it's Toro y Moi's turn to release a new album now.
#1: "Berlin", RY X
And there it is, the second-shortest song of my favourite 100 of 2014 is also the top dog. Someone was definitely hurting when they wrote this one. While I don't typically cry to music, on a scale from 0 (definitely not crying) to 10 (still definitely not crying but pretty sure somebody else has cried to this song), I'm a 10. Heck, when Amber conceived a child out of wedlock on Parenthood, she was listening to this song and dollars to doughnuts, she was crying. I'm currently enjoying another RY X song, "Sweat", although it won't come anywhere close to defining a year like "Berlin" did.